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A cross-platform app (iOS App Store, Android Play Store, Web) to help Indonesian self-assess risk of COVID-19 infection. One of the founding members of the project, together with Arya Lukmana,


I led a team of 4 engs, 1 PM, and 3 designers.


15000 unique users within one month of release, and got featured by multiple top national press coverages.

Tech Stack

  • Flutter
  • Django
  • Kubernetes

Press Coverage

Mahasiswa UI Ciptakan Aplikasi EndCorona, Bantu Masyarakat Hadapi Covid-19
Mahasiswa UI menciptakan aplikasi bernama EndCorona yang ditujukan untuk membantu masyarakat hadapi wabah Covid-19.
EndCorona, Solusi Deteksi COVID-19 Karya Mahasiswa UI
EndCorona, platform Penyedia Asesmen Risiko COVID-19 diluncurkan untuk bantu masyarakat ketahui risiko corona secara mandiri.

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A cross-platform app (iOS App Store, Android Play Store, Web) to help Indonesian self-assess risk of COVID-19 infection. One of
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