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Metrics Mentorship

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Metrics Mentorship is a 10-week intensive mentoring program by Faculty of Computer Science (CSUI) Alumni for CSUI Students to help start-up their tech career and land their internship in tech (Data/Design/Engineering/Product)


  • As a cofounder:
    - Founded the mentorship initiative that build the organization vision and mission to help students land their internships in tech, recruited 2 of my friends with the same vision to become co-founders.
    - Responsible for recruiting some of the mentors, figuring out the values and standard of each path's mentee recruitment process, and some of the mentoring operational plan with my two other co-founders.
  • As the lead of the project and lead software engineer:
    - Built coming soon version of metricsui.com as an MVP to test our ideas and gauge interest.
    - Together, built and led four engineers to build a website for the students to apply and submit take-home assignments, using the University of Indonesia Single-Sign-On system to verify student status and integrate it with Typeform + Google Form webhook. (Tech stack: Svelte, Firebase, Serverless, Discord Webhook & TypeForm Webhook Integration)


  • Successfully recruited 16 high-quality mentors that were willing to volunteer to #PayItForward by mentoring their juniors.
  • Received very positive attraction from active CSUI Students. We received 230 participants across three active student cohorts (18-20) indicating interest to be a mentee across the four paths (Data/Design/Engineering/Product), but unfortunately was only able to accept 32 mentees due to the limitation of our mentors (only 4 mentors for each path with each mentor handling two mentees since we believe strongly in one-on-one mentorship).
  • Result: More than 50% of the mentees successfully landed internship offers from top tech companies in Indonesia (Dekoruma, Gojek, GudangAda, Sayurbox).

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